About Oscar Miklos

Oscar Miklos is the founder and principal lawyer at Refresh Law in Burnaby and the founder of HousingGuide.ca. He regularly advises residential and commercial landlords and tenants, strata owners, strata corporations, property managers and insurance providers in all aspects of housing disputes.
2 12, 2022

A Strata Council’s Primer to the Residential Tenancy Branch

By |2022-12-02T11:16:03-07:00December 2, 2022|Strata Living|

Given the haste with which the provincial government adopted a recent amendment to the Strata Property Act (“SPA”) to ban rental restriction bylaws, most of the immediate public reaction focused on the anticipated effects these amendments would have on British Columbia’s overpriced housing and overheated rental markets. However, an [...]

17 10, 2022

Top Five Illegal Residential Tenancy Clauses

By |2022-10-17T09:28:09-07:00October 17, 2022|Rental Properties|

While LandlordBC offers its members a comprehensive, proprietary tenancy agreement template, the often-unfortunate reality is that many landlords still end up using either the standard residential tenancy agreement publicly available on the Residential Tenancy Branch’s (RTB) website coupled with an addendum or their own custom tenancy agreement template obtained from [...]

5 11, 2017

Top 5 Bylaws to Watch Out For When Purchasing a Strata Property

By |2018-01-13T12:22:28-07:00November 5, 2017|Strata Living|

Buying a condo? The legal doctrine of caveat emptor (i.e. “let the buyer beware”) continues to apply to real estate transactions in British Columbia and can have the effect of denying the buyer a remedy for defects and deficiencies discovered in the property after purchase. In general, the onus is [...]

29 06, 2017

A Pandora’s Box of Strata Disputes?

By |2017-06-29T00:58:15-07:00June 29, 2017|Strata Living|

In July 2016, the long-awaited Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) opened its doors to the first wave of strata disputes. The CRT’s goals are ambitious, to say the least. It is the world’s first online dispute resolution tribunal of its kind and it aims to increase access to justice for thousands [...]

2 04, 2017

Buying a condo– and inheriting a tenant

By |2017-06-29T01:02:32-07:00April 2, 2017|Strata Living|

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are you buying a condo, where a tenant currently resides? Residential tenancies are ongoing and often long-term relationships between a landlord and their tenant. So, what happens when a new owner comes in? Upon purchasing a property, the rule of thumb is that you inherit all the liabilities and obligations [...]

15 01, 2017

Top 10 tips to collect debts from strata owners

By |2022-10-17T09:39:28-07:00January 15, 2017|Survival Guides|

Tip #1: Follow due process requirements when seeking to levy a fine. Strata councils and strata property managers will often seek to fine an owner or a tenant by issuing a simple letter informing the individual(s) in question of the breach and fact that the strata corporation has decided [...]

17 10, 2016

Top 10 tips to avoid problems with your strata corporation

By |2017-12-25T17:55:58-07:00October 17, 2016|Survival Guides|

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Tip #1: Review all relevant strata documents before purchasing a property. One of the most common mistakes made by prospective strata home purchasers is failing to adequately review strata documents before completing their purchase. Ignorance is no excuse when it comes to abiding by the strata corporation’s bylaws and [...]

18 09, 2016

Airbn-be gone! Dealing with short-term accommodations in strata buildings

By |2016-09-18T10:48:37-07:00September 18, 2016|Strata Living|

You and your neighbours are original owners and occupants of a strata building in downtown Vancouver. You pride yourselves on the sense of community, tranquility and good will that has been built over the last six years. Three years ago, you were elected to the strata council and played a [...]

29 08, 2016

Top 10 tips to avoid problems with your tenants

By |2022-10-17T10:14:22-07:00August 29, 2016|Survival Guides|

Tip #1: Do not rent out a property on an “as-is” basis that is otherwise in a state of disrepair. Many landlords believe that they can rent out a property that is in a state of disrepair on an “as-is” basis in exchange for lower-than-market rent. This is a [...]

17 04, 2016

Scope of the Residential Tenancy Act

By |2017-01-14T01:16:19-07:00April 17, 2016|LG Dispute Resolution|

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It is important to note that not all living accommodations will fall under the Residential Tenancy Act (the Act) and if a living accommodation does not qualify as a residential tenancy, the rights and obligations set out by the Act will not apply. The following living accommodations do not qualify [...]

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