The latest advice, commentary and opinions from our contributing authors on current issues faced by cooperative housing organisations in British Columbia.

5 11, 2017

Co-ops and Smoking

By |2017-11-05T17:21:25-07:00November 5, 2017|Cooperative Housing|

Once taken for granted, smoking in multi-unit housing developments is now under attack.  The hazards associated with smoking and second hand smoke are well-known and the percentage of smokers in British Columbia has been rapidly decreasing.  It is now not uncommon for housing co-ops and strata corporations to seriously consider [...]

5 11, 2017

Co-op Membership Termination

By |2017-11-09T00:27:27-07:00November 5, 2017|Cooperative Housing|

Section 35 of the Co-operative Association Act, SBC 1999, c. 28 (the “Act”) outlines the situations in which a housing co-operative can terminate a members membership within the Co-op (i.e. the member has engaged in conduct detrimental to the Co-op). A member may appeal the termination to the Court on [...]

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